Monday 14 October 2013

Seasons in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica are only two seasons, there are summer and winter. The summer is from December to May, It has the summer in December is excellent because you can go for Christmas and the new year in the beach. In January and February are the months  hottest of the summer, the temperature can be around 30 or 35 degrees. The winter season in Costa Rica is very different that the winter season in countries that have four seasons, because in Costa Rica only rains and not snows.

From October to November all days rains, sometimes is very horrible, but I think that it is better that snows. The temperature in winter season is around 16 to 22 degrees.  You do not need to buy special clothes only needs a sweater, and finally, the nature is always green in my country. 


  1. It's great! If I go to Costa Rica, I have to bring a rainwear certainly!

  2. The nature in Costa Rice is very beautiful, I want to travel in the future.

  3. Costa Rica's season is very different from Japan. I want to go there in Christmas, and I want to go beach!!!!

  4. I think the weather in Costa Rica is very similar to Venezuela. I like this kind of weather because it is very similar all year, it's no very hot and it's no very cold. Your picture look fantastic and special the picture with the big mountain.

  5. It's strange for me to imagine going to the beach on Christmas! In Calgary, I'm used to experiencing hot weather only in July or August.

    In Costa Rica there are only two seasons, summer and winter.

    From October to November it rains every day; sometimes it is very horrible, but I think that it is better than snow.
