Tuesday 19 November 2013

Advertisement to trip to Canada

Hello Peter,
There are some advertisement about your trip to Canada:
  • Remember take off your shoes when go to another house isn't polite to wear shoes in the houses.
  • The food of Canada is varied and you will tried many kinds of food, Try to eat careful to not affect your stomach.
  • Canada is a multicultural country and you have to respect the custom of all different cultures.
  • The Canadian people are very friendly, honest, and responsible. You have to be equal with them.
  • Remember the rules you have to comply and have good manners with people.

Finally, don't do that you do not want done to you.


  1. Alberto~ I agree about Canada has many kinds of food!

  2. I agree with you, we have to respect all different cultures.

  3. Very good your advertisements Alberto. You talked about the custom, food, rules, cultures, and the most important respect to the other people.

  4. I think that's very intelligent advice. We call that the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you want them to treat you."

    Remember to take off your shoes when going to another house; it isn't polite to wear shoes in the houses.

    Remember the rules; you have to comply with them and have good manners with people.
